Elephant # 8

Elephant 2012

This is particularly restless issue. We travel to Amsterdam to find out how artists and designers - from young painter Esiri Erheriene-Essi ('I wanted the viewer to have such an overload of information that it became a chainsaw to the brain') to veteran designers Mevis & Van Deursen ('Underground no longer exists in this world of social media') - are refusing to give in to their new government's negative attitude towards the arts and continuing to produce great work regardless of government subsidies. We check out the political climate in Cairo in the company of Egyptian video artist Jasmina Metwaly and Dutch graphic artist Bart de Baets. We crisscross New York at night in the company of photographer David S. Allee, and follow ever restless artists such as Hans Op de Beeck and John Baldessari as they move around their studios. We try to summarize things, try to make them seem simple, by analysing the work of masters of simplicity such as Noma Bar, James Joyce and Magnus Voll Mathiassen (MVM). Finally, after all this frantic activity, we sit down and contemplate all the other things we could have done, and all the books we could have written about the things we could have done... Of course, we do that in the company of Harland Miller.


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