Elephant # 11

Elephant 2012

This is another restless issue, moving from the uses of bad painting as a conceptual tool (as highlighted by Garder Eide Einarsson and Thomas Muelhenbach) to the complete mastery of the medium, witnessed in the twilit studio of Michaël Borremans. We see the threads of Chiharu Shiota’s highly evocative and emotional installations, plus the thousands of knots that form Jacob Hashimoto’s vast flying kites. Meanwhile, we study the aesthetics of video-art through works of William Lamson, Oliver Michaels and Alexandra Hughes (to name a few). Travel in time and space, from Penelope Slinger’s adventures in the swinging London of the 1960s, to the impact of 9/11 in post-Soviet Russia as anatomized by the work of cult figure Pavel Pepperstein. Finally, we offer a luminous snapshot of recession-hit Barcelona as an art city today (through works and words of visual artists like Javier Pérez, Samuel Salcedo, Martí Guixé and Alex Trochut.)


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